Sunday, November 21, 2010

Vocabulary Wk 3

Word 1: Vague

Source: Los Angeles Times

Context Clues: Logic- U.S. officials want to remain vague about the departure. I would guess that the word means to keep quiet or not say a lot of information.
Definition: not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed


Original Sentence:U.S. officials want to remain vague about the departure in part to avoid sending a message to the insurgents that they can wait out the alliance.

Word 2: Pontiff

Source: Los Angeles Times

Context Clues: Logic-  Pope Benedict XVI's recent comments regarding condom use mark an important moment in the battle against AIDS and an effort by the pontiff to burnish his image and legacy. I would guess that the word means a person in high power.

Definition: any high or chief priest


Original Sentence: Vatican officials insist it's nothing "revolutionary," but to many other people Pope Benedict XVI's recent comments regarding condom use mark an important moment in the battle against AIDS and an effort by the pontiff to burnish his image and legacy.

Word 3: Initiative

Source: Los Angeles Times

Context Clues: Logic-The Obama administration's new quality initiative focuses on improving care. I would guess that the word means to take an action.

Definition: an introductory act or step; leading action


Original Sentence: The Obama administration's new quality initiative focuses on improving care for the approximately 90 million Americans who rely on the government-run Medicare and Medicaid programs.